The Street Musicians of İstiklal Street
The Best Places In İstanbul To Listen To Incredible Street Music
From traditional Turkish folk music to modern rock to experimental bands, you’ll find everything on the streets of İstanbul. The city is colorful and musical, and everywhere you go you’ll always be accompanied by music. Just about every café, restaurant, bar, or hotel will have a different form of music playing and different music is considered to be the perfect accompaniment to different activities.
The street is no different, where whether you’re traveling, walking, shopping, or eating, there’ll be a local street musician trying to make your experience all the better. The prime locations are highly sought-after, and the best spots and best times are given to the best musicians. As a result, it’s relatively unlikely that you’ll come across a mediocre musician. They’re supported by the community and in many cases play concerts to large venues in addition to playing the streets.
As much as the music can be anything, it will typically be different from what you encounter in another cities.
Vintage Red Tram
These beautiful ruby-red trams are as much of a fixture on Istiklal Street as the cobbles on the road. No trip would be complete without boarding one of these vehicles that are renowned for carrying shoppers and tourists up and down the bustling avenue as they’ve done for decades. This is one of the many examples in Istanbul of the past working seamlessly into the city’s unique modern culture. Istanbul is a city that offers its inhabitants so many ways of exploring it; every day presents a brand-new adventure.
Street Musicians

Street Musicians

The Street Musicians of İstiklal Street
